
Greetings, and welcome to Utah United. This used to be a hub for advocacy of a unification of the State, but as that effort has transferred to other locations online this site has since become my personal blog. Whilst matters involving politics may come up from time to time, predominantly this will be a place for me to leave my writings on various topics across the board. My personal experience is in legal and financial matters, and whilst those will come up I will also be writing about other matters and thoughts that come to mind.

As for myself, my name is Salena Conner. I’ve lived in Utah for nearly all my life, leaving only for part of my college studies only to return and regrow my roots. I am a big fan of our beautiful State, with the Mighty Five parks (including the Rocky Mountains) being areas I have visited plenty in my time. I enjoy travelling to other parts of the world, but this place will always be my home.

I took over this blog a while ago, and whilst it has remained dormant I felt now was the perfect time to begin using it. My hope is that it will become a hub for useful advice for all Americans (and people from other countries, too), with my plans to write a variety of content to help it become just that. There is more than one way to unify a State, after all.

Finally, just as a legal disclaimer: Any advice and information given is based on personal experience and is not intended to be used as a legal advisory. If you need individual help with a legal matter, please seek out a lawyer to assist you.

That’s all, I think. Thanks for reading.